When my kids were little, I would plan pot-luck style themed play dates with our friends (moms need play dates too!). The kids weren't in school yet to have all of the fun activities, so we created our own!
How it Works
Each person picks either an activity or one snack to bring to share. Then you can rotate the "centers" or you can let everyone do what they want.
It does NOT have to be a big event. One activity + one snack with you and a friend will be a memorable time!
Pick a place to meet and time. We've done the park before in nice weather or you can host at your place. Decide weekday or weekend - whatever works for you and your friends.
Let me Make it Easy for Ya!
Because I'm an organizer at heart, I have created a Google Doc Sign Up Sheet that you can send your friends to easily plan your play date. It has 20+ activities and snack ideas listed, and links to further directions.
Then everyone simply types their name next to what they want to bring and how many kids are coming so you can get a head count. It's easy to see what everyone else is bringing, and you won't get duplicates! (Of course, if you have a different idea, you can always add it in).
But you know what? You don't even have to invite friends. It's a great list of Halloween fun to do over the next few weeks on your own!
But Just So You Know...
Make sure you MAKE A COPY of the Google Doc before you send it to people so you aren't sharing your playdate with the rest of the internet.
Go to File>Make a Copy and rename it.
But we're not quite done yet. If you send the link now, no one will be able to type in it to sign up. You need to click the blue Share button in the top right corner. Then click "Anyone with the link can edit".
Ready to start planning?! Enter your email below to get your Halloween Playdate Google Doc Sign Up Sheet.